Saturday, May 24, 2008


Moab Trip

So, I've never really been into this whole blog thing or even email for that matter. I guess I just prefer people to call me. But when I really think about it, it's a great idea because then you can stay in touch with people that you don't normally talk to. I guess I'll just start with an update since this is my first time writing on my own blog. There has been a lot of change going on here at the James house. Matt has decided to go back to school and get his degree in biology and then go to Vet school. I just got promoted I guess you could say. I was offered a full time position at my work, which is at the Carmen B. Pingree Center for children with Autism. That means I get a raise and benefits! BOO YA BABY! I also get the pleasure to be the primary therapist of half the children in our class, which includes working with parents, creating treatment plans, and thinking up my own reinforcement plans. It's really exciting. I also am in school, although I took the summer off. I am currently in the special education program and am working hard to help children with disabilities reach their goals and live a more meaningful life and also help their families. We have two dogs that are practically our children. Dixie is about a year old and then we have our puppy Meg, but I like to call her rollie pollie because she is so fat. They are half border collie and half australian shepard.

Meg and Dixie


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice blog. I added your link to mine. Congrats on your new position, that's awesome. Eli is way excited for swimming lessons this summer, I hope he hasn't forgotten everything you taught him last year! And by the way, we love having you in our basement!

Anonymous said...

wow i didn't know you blogged. keep up the good work. if you comment on other people's blogs, they'll comment on yours. look at my link list to find more people you know

Anonymous said...

I gave you a plug for swim lessons on our blog! Marshall loves you! Yesterday we were at Evergreen and he was totally swimming with his head down. Now you'll have to help him learn to propel his body forward, he's a little stationary.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Krista-it's Anna Boyer. I saw the link to your blog on Shanna's and wanted to see how you are doing...Congrats on your job--you sound like a grown up or something! My mom did special education and loved it. Anyway...good luck with it all and hopefully we'll see you around!

Anonymous said...

Hey Krista! I saw your link on Melissa's and thought I would say hi! I didn't even know you were married, so congrats girl! I have a blog too, so keep in touch :)