Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lost for words?

Have you ever been talking to a friend and said a word that you totally thought was a word? I have, and I just kept on talking while everyone was looking at each other confused. This happens to me on a regular basis. There have been many times where I have been frustrated and lost for words, so my brain feels it completely necessary to make up its own. For example, I was playing a good game of phase 10 with my cousin and her boyfriend and we were talking about our beloved team the Utes. I casually and comfortably said, Oh well aren't they undefeatable? Everyone laughed at me, but doesn't it totally fit!? And squoze or squozen! Seriously, shouldn't it be I just squoze some orange juice? I mean, I just squeezed some orange juice just sounds too weird. Am I right? My good cousin Amy will understand. Anyway, feel free to leave a comment of words that you think should be words. I say we just go ahead and publish our own dictionary!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Something Different Please!

I know that I'm not the only one that notices that virtually everyone my age that has a blog is currently and constantly blogging about how cute their kids are. Keep in mind that I really do like kids and hope to have some someday, but seriously, there are so many other subjects to talk about that are much more interesting and much less exhausting than your kids' halloween costumes or their first word. And last of all, did every single person I know go to a pumpkin patch together to take pictures of their babies this Halloween? Seriously! My father in law put it perfectly when he said something to the effect of, "Just because you love your (kids) doesn't mean that everyone else will!"

So unless your kid is as hard core as this, or unless he has 2 heads like this guy:

...then give the rest of us a break and talk about something more stimulating! (If this is pissing you off then take a chill pill 'cause I'm JK dudes!)

Take for instance Proposition 8. I love that this passed in California! Perhaps there is hope for Babylon! I love how the gay community and its supporters immediately singled out the LDS church and how they are currently protesting in front of temples across the nation. I'm no political scientist, but I'm pretty sure that California is not a theocracy, and if it was, the LDS church surely would not be the one making laws. Nope, sorry people the government of CA, paired with the majority of voters there passed the law, not the LDS church.

The Savior said, "Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."(Matt 5:10). So, all y'all protesters can just threaten and persecute away, but I will never forsake that which I know to be true and correct principles.

That aside, the James family is doing well. We have recently moved and are still getting settled. The ward is sweet though (Pres Monson comes sometimes) and it sure is nice living so close to the U!

I've recently decided that I want to be a large animal Vet and specialize in orthopedics. This means that when I'm not shoulder deep in a cows business, I'll be busy repairing ACLs on horses. Maybe I can be like the guy on my vet school blog (which you should read!)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Goo Goo Dolls!

This last weekend we had the most amazing time at the Goo Goo Dolls concert. We're now regulars, since we went last year too. Nu Skin was holding a concert for their employees and since my dad has sweet hook ups because he's an audio visual guy, he was able to get 8 tickets! I cant lie, when I was about ten years old I had a major crush on the main singer. He of course still has is sexy voice going for him, but I have to admit he is getting kind of crusty. It was fun though to hear them perform a lot of their new stuff like the song from transformers, but I especially like their old stuff like Iris and black balloon. Please enjoy these fuzzy but very lovely pictures I tried to take.

Matt and I having a blast!

Oh and don't worry...there were confetti cannons at the end!

And even though this is not that great of a witness, we were back stage to see the band and here is the back of the nasty base players head.