Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lost for words?

Have you ever been talking to a friend and said a word that you totally thought was a word? I have, and I just kept on talking while everyone was looking at each other confused. This happens to me on a regular basis. There have been many times where I have been frustrated and lost for words, so my brain feels it completely necessary to make up its own. For example, I was playing a good game of phase 10 with my cousin and her boyfriend and we were talking about our beloved team the Utes. I casually and comfortably said, Oh well aren't they undefeatable? Everyone laughed at me, but doesn't it totally fit!? And squoze or squozen! Seriously, shouldn't it be I just squoze some orange juice? I mean, I just squeezed some orange juice just sounds too weird. Am I right? My good cousin Amy will understand. Anyway, feel free to leave a comment of words that you think should be words. I say we just go ahead and publish our own dictionary!


Anonymous said...

I just made a comment on a friends blog. She was talking about gratitude. I was saying it hard with the overwhelmness of life. I looked it up its not a word. I think its a great word.

Anonymous said...

hahaha that's funny. i like those words too. I have some but I can't think of them right now.
Oh, how about mosterest. i use that all the time